classical guitar lesson with professional and international guitarist
Mannerheimintie 36, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Feier Fan is an International professional classical guitarist with over 20 years stage experiences and over 10 years of teaching experiences. She earned master degree from Manhattan School of Music.
As a Chinese guitar teacher, let's make your technique brilliant!!!!!
I teach one-on-one guitar lesson professionally by focusing on how to get good techniques and how to use your technique to serve your music. We starts with several exercises including: Left hand extension、Left hand independence exercise、Right hand function and speed exercises、left and right hands synchronism exercises and so on.
The meanwhile, finding your own tone of sound is really important. The sound of classical guitar is the most special and unique thing stands out from other instrument. people can tell how good you are as a guitarist by just hearing your first note.
Of course, we need music pieces and compositions at the same time. I will choose the one which works for your technique level, so it wont be too hard or too easy. The most important thing is not only to play through it, but to truly understand it and feel it. During the lesson I analyzes the form and structures, talk about the rhythm and harmony. I will give homework and requested practice hours for each day. When you decide to do something, do it the right way!!
☎ 0417418689
Feier Fan
Etäopetuksen mahdollisuus:
32 vuotta
50 EUR
perjantai 7. helmikuuta 2025 klo 0.28 (1 kuukausi sitten)
Ilmoitus katsottu:
230 kertaa
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Jatka hakuasi:
Musiikin opettajat
Opettajat Taka-Töölö
Opettajat Lapinlahti
Opettajat Kerte
Opettajat Helsinki
Opettajat Etu-Töölö
Opettajat Espoo
Opettajat Tarvo
Opettajat Ruoholahti
Opettajat Kaisaniemi