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Opi musiikkia hauskalla tavalla! | Piano, Viulu, Sävellys | Music lessons made fun!

Suonotkontie 3, 00630 Helsinki, Finland

Olen klassinen pianisti ja säveltäjä Jakartasta, Indonesiasta. Nuoresta iästä lähtien olen aina ollut kiinnostunut musiikista. Alloin musiikillisia opintoja opiskelemalla urkujen ja pianon soittoa. Kandidaatiksi valmistuin yliopistosta Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, ja maisteriksi Sibelius-Akatemiasta. Opettajana minulla on vuosien kokemus eri-ikäisten ja -tasoisten opiskelijoiden opettamisesta. Yksityisen opetuksen lisäksi, olen suorittanut myös eri musiikkikasvatuksen koulutuksia. Esimerkiksi, kun opiskelin Skotlannissa, opetin harjoittelijana paikallisessa yläkoulussa. Sibelius-Akatemiassa suoritin musiikkipedagogiikan kursseja. Olen saanut ABRSM:in (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) pianonopetus diploomin ja olen perehtynyt myös erilaisiin opetussunnitelmiin, kuten Yamaha, ABRSM , ja tietysti suomalainen musiikkiopetus suunnitelmia. Sen sijaan, että minulla olisi aina yksi opetusmenetelmä, olen avoin keskusteluille tärkeimmistä asioista, joita haluat oppia tehdääkseen oppiminen hauskemmaksi, merkityksellisemmäksi ja nautinnollisemmaksi.

Tarjoan piano, viulu, musiikinteoria, ja musiikinsävellys opetusta suomeksi, englanniksi tai indonesiaksi. Ota minuun yhteyttä ja opitaan musiikkia hauskalla tavalla!


I am a classical pianist and composer from Jakarta, Indonesia. Since my young age, I have always been passionate about music. I started my musical studies by learning the organ and piano. I started my professional studies as a pianist and composer at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, from where I had my Bachelor of Music degree. During my time at the conservatoire, I was also awarded some prizes such as being commended at the Lamond Prize competition and receiving Agnes Millar Harmony and Counterpoint Prize. After that, I decided to move to Finland to pursue my Master's degree. As a composer, my music has been performed at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and California Institute of the Arts, both student and professional ensembles such as the Hebrides Ensemble. Throughout my musical career I also have experiences in areas such as church music, music directing, community and amateur music-making.

As a teacher, I really enjoy being able to share my expertise. I have years of experience teaching students of various ages and levels. Throughout the years of my learning, I have been familiar with methods such as the Yamaha and the ABRSM, enabling me to gain confidence to teach various methods that is suitable for individual needs. Rather than always having one method of teaching, I am open to discussions regarding the most important aspects which you want to learn so that learning could be more fun, relevant and enjoyable.

I am offering piano, violin, music theory and composition lessons in Finnish, English, or Indonesian. Get in touch with me and let's learn music the fun way!


☎   0403749835

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25 years


Remote learning availability:

Hourly asking price:
30 EUR

Friday, January 5, 2024 at 12:02 PM
(1 year ago)

Friday, January 5, 2024 at 12:02 PM
(1 year ago)

1218 times

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