Kauppakatu 33, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland
If you want to learn how to play cello or improve your current skills, do not hesitate to contact me!
I will do my best to help you achieve your goals. We can start from the very beginning or work on the matters that you want to develop. I am looking forward to work with people who are eager to learn!
My name is Marta and I have started playing cello at the age of 7. It has been already 22 years and I can't imagine my life without music. During my studies I was a member of many orchestras, I have taken part in many solo and chamber masterclasses, festivals, recordings and I have performed in Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, France, Great Britain, Finland and Norway.
I would love to share my passion with other people and support them in their learning process. I find teaching incredibly inspiring and I am sure that working together would become a great experience for both of us.
Here you can find more information about my background:
-The Henryk Wieniawski General Primary and Secondary School of Music in Łódź, Poland
-The Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź, Poland - Bachelor and Master degree
-Sibelius Academy, University of Arts in Helsinki, Finland - Master degree
Teaching experience:
-Private lessons in Poland and Finland
-Substitute in The Henryk Wieniawski General Primary and Secondary School of Music in Łódź, Poland
Orchestral experience:
-Jyväskylä Sinfonia
-Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra
-Oulu Sinfonia
-Lohja City Orchestra
-Philharmonic Orchestra of Łódź
-Hollyłódź Film Orchestra,
-Santander Orchestra
-Polish Camerata
-Łódź Musical Theatre Orchestra
Chamber Music:
Member of Arima Quartet and Kasumi Trio
Masterclasses, Courses, Festivals:
-ProQuartet Masterclasses in Paris
-Jeunesses Musicales International Chamber Music Campus in Weikersheim
-Master Music course in Busko-Zdrój
-Zenon Brzewski International Music Course in Łańcut
-Jakub Walasek Janowiec Music Master Course - Janowiec on the Vistula
-Jadwiga Kaliszewska Summer Music Academy in Żagań
-International Cello Academy
-Musica Moderna etc.
29 vuotta
Etäopetuksen mahdollisuus:
50 EUR
keskiviikko 6. lokakuuta 2021 klo 17.50
(3 vuotta sitten)
lauantai 4. tammikuuta 2025 klo 15.00
(2 kuukautta sitten)
Ilmoitus katsottu:
4692 kertaa
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Jatka hakuasi:
Musiikin opettajat
Opettajat Viitaniemi
Opettajat Tourula
Opettajat Muurame
Opettajat Laukaa
Opettajat Kekkola
Opettajat Jyväskylä